Fashion Quadrants

By Ramzy

Hi! I'm Ramzy.
That's me!

I'm your Fashion Quadrant Designer.

But, enough about me. We're here for YOU.

First of all, let me say... WOW, your hair... PHE-NOMEMAL!

It really compliments your smile. Which is as beautiful as a Mediterranean sunset. Like... WHAT!!

Anyway, let's get down to business.

that's me, getting down to business...
Fashion Quadrants.

What are Fashion Quadrants?
I'm glad you asked! 

Fashion Quadrants are a vision for a better future for you, all the people who have to look at you daily, and, really, the entire Universe.

And, they're taking the world by storm right now. I mean, just listen to these reviews...
"It's pretty good."

- Mark


Fashion Quadrants bring clarity and consistency to your personal style, and give you a tool to communicate your look with others.

How does it work?
GREAT question! You're clearly as smart as you are good-looking! And my god, with those shoes you're wearing (are those new?!), you are looking incredible!

That's me, pointing out your phenomenal shoes!
As your FQ Designer, I'll work with you to analyze your style based on a range of criteria, like how your clothes make me feel, what comes to mind when I look at you, and how clever I feel when we meet.

Then, we'll start to create your quadrants. Each quadrant represents a portion of your "look".

On their own, each quadrant is incomplete. Like duck fat fries without mayo. Or a burger without grass(-fed).

But together, they define you better than you could define yourself.

The quadrants are descriptive but without being too specific. They don't describe one outfit you wear; rather, they evoke the EMOTIONS of the collective style you are.

Makes sense?

Alright, enough talk!

Let's show some examples.

We'll start with this guy...
HAHA! That's me again!

Here are some photos of my style...

What do you think my Fashion Quadrants should be?

Any ideas?

You're not a professional FQ Designer, so no pressure. But fortunately I am!

And here's what I got.

BOOM! Nailed it.

Gay Hairdresser - YESSIR
Italian Villa - SÍ
Sherlock Holmes - CHECK
Frat Star - YUP!


It's time to get serious.

That's my serious face
Do you want your Fashion Quadrant designed?

If so, submit the request form below
and I'll make magic for you.
(extra bonus points if you send me 4+ photos of you too)

Love & Gratitude! I'm thinking up your Fashion Quadrant now!
Whoa! You messed something up in the form. How about you try again?
That's all for now, folks. I've gotta run.

I have to prepare for battle with... bad fashion.

That's me, preparing to battle... bad fashion